[dbwg] Am I lame or not?

Louis Lee louie at equinix.com
Tue Apr 8 16:00:43 EDT 2003

Ginny & Ed,

Thank you for the update on the progress you've made on
identifying lame delegations in the in-addr.arpa zone
and getting the information updated or delegated servers
corrected.  I am assuming that the messages sent to the
POCs already include a link to the FAQ:


Does Registration Services get a lot of questions from
POCs who obviously have not read the FAQ?

Have you received many requests to assist in testing
lameness?  It may be useful to have an "Am I Lame or
Not?" webpage to assist in performing a dig and
interpreting results.  I trust that y'all already have
thoughts on what this webpage might look like.  Please
feel free to contact me directly if you're looking for
suggestions and would like to move the discussion off
the list.

Of course, this doesn't help if the POC doesn't go to
the ARIN website (to check the FAQ, etc).

I do NOT think that this is a medium or high priority
at all.

Comments from others?

Louis Lee                             louie at equinix.com
Staff Network Engineer            company: 650/513-7000
Equinix, Inc.                        desk: 650/513-7162
http://www.equinix.com/               fax: 650/513-7903

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