FW: lame delegations in in-addr

Ray Plzak plzak at arin.net
Wed Mar 6 04:13:00 EST 2002

Forwarding this message from Evi Nemeth concerning lame delegations.


-----Original Message-----
From: Evi Nemeth [mailto:evi at rupertsberg.cs.colorado.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 4:09 AM
To: plzak at arin.net
Cc: evi at isc.org
Subject: lame delegations in in-addr

hi --

i suggest that arin consider a policy to try to clean up
lame delegations in the in-addr.arpa zone. lame delegations
are annoying, but for windows servers they are deadly because if all
servers are lame win2k goes crazy and re-queries continually flooding
the parent domain and often the roots.

how about a policy that notifies a domain of their lame servers (via
email to their whois contact perhaps) and monitors their continued
lameness.  if they ignore the mail or dont get it or dont care for 30
days and remain lame for 30 days, then put an empty zone file in the dns
of the parent of the lame domain so that clients get an empty answer and
can cache it.

not sure of the privacy concerns but perhaps arin could maintain a web
page of such lamers and a way for them to automatically fill in a web
page, run a tool to prove they are no longer lame and have the empty
file removed.


evi nemeth
univ of colorado and caida and isc.org

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