Lame Delegations

ginny listman ginny at
Tue Jan 15 12:15:34 EST 2002

Please comment on the following:

ARIN would like to remove lame delegations the IN-ADDR.ARPA zone file
after 7 consecutive days during which queries return an invalid  response
for more than 50% of the network.

PURPOSE: As the zone files continue to grow, additional queries put
additional stress and strain on the servers, as well as generating
additional Internet traffic.  These "requeries" are fully defined in
the Internet Draft <draft-ietf-dnsop-bad-dns-res-00.txt>.

1. ARIN will have a designated machine to query all name servers listed in
   the database for all networks.  This will include name servers that are
   considered to be lame and/or invalid.  Logs will be generated and 
   retained for 30 days.  
2. The database will keep track of when and how long name servers are 
3. Any name server that is lame for more than 7 days will be excluded from
   the zone files.
4. On the 7th consecutive day a name server is lame, an email will be sent
   to the network POC(s), stating the name server will not be included in
   the zone file.  Since this is a courtesy email, those returned 
   undeliverable will be ignored.
5. Any name server that is lame for more than 7 days, will be marked
   "LAME" in the network Whois display.
6. Lame delegations will be removed from the database after 180 days
   during which queries return an invalid response for more than 50% of
   the network.

Ginny Listman
Director of Engineering

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