phone types (fwd)

John K. Doyle, Jr. jkd at
Wed Dec 27 18:06:45 EST 2000


One possible way to resolve the phone number formatting issue would be to
store it in ITU standard form. My memory may be foggy, but I believe that
the old "CCITT" (now ITU) standard that is relevant is "E.163"


On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, ginny listman wrote:

> are dots (.) better than dashes (-)?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 12:51:56 -0800
> From: Paul Ebersman <ebersman at>
> To: ginny listman <ginny at>
> Subject: Re: phone types 
> ginny> Are there any other characters we should include that would
> ginny> take into consideration non-US, non-CA phone numbers?
> Using a period instead of a hyphen is more accepted outside the US and
> is becoming more common in the US. I vaguely remember it being some
> ISO standard to do so, but don't quote me.
> +<country-code>.<rest-of-phone-number> where <rest-of-phone-number>
> would be <area-code>.<NPA>.<NXX> in the US would probably be
> "acceptable" all over the world.

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