[Arin-whoisrws] Formulating Web query for network name(s)

Garth Dubin gdubin at arin.net
Mon Jun 21 13:49:15 EDT 2010


The URLs for searches will always be plural.  Using the example you provided, the proper URL would be:


Only the direct, linkable resources (i.e. a single network) are accessible via the singular "net" URI.

As another example, the organization FOOBAR can be linked to via:


But searching for all organizations with a handle starting with "FOO" would be:


Also, the "+" to show a detailed record via the port 43 service can be accomplished using the "showDetails" query parameter in REST.  If you want to show the details of your APNIC-1* query, you would use:


Hope this helps!


Garth Dubin
ARIN Software Engineer

On 6/21/10 1:26 PM, "Michael T. Davis" <davism at ecr6.ohio-state.edu> wrote:

       I'm trying to figure out how to leverage the Web-based system to
make a query for a wildcarded network name.  Right now, I can query against
the ARIN Whois server with the string...

                            n . - <netname-prefix>*

For example...

                                 n . - APNIC-1*

,..which would list a summary of all networks with a name (i.e. "NetName")
that started with "APNIC-1."  If I visit...


...I can specify the query as "APNIC-1*", and request a "Network" query for
the "Name," and get the same results.  How do I duplicate this by using a
Web query against http://whoisrws-demo.arin.net/rest/...?  Reading through
the API documentation, I thought it might be...


...but /net apparently doesn't support any "matrix parameters."

        In general, I need to know how to make a Web query for the Whois
equivalents of "n . - <netname-prefix>*" (which would list a summary of any
matches), and "n . + <netname-prefix>*" (which would provide the details for
each matching network).  Please advise.

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