[arin-tech-discuss] Unable to create RPKI ROA

Jon Worley jonw at arin.net
Thu Dec 6 11:45:21 EST 2018


For the list's edification, the problem was caused by a recently transferred block that hadn't yet been added to the RPKI certificate. Resources issued/transferred to an organization must be manually added before ROAs can be created.

Jon Worley
Technical Services Manager
ARIN Registration Services
hostmaster at arin.net

On 12/6/18, 9:17 AM, "arin-tech-discuss on behalf of Brian Rak" <arin-tech-discuss-bounces at arin.net on behalf of brak at gameservers.com> wrote:

    I'm running into an issue with the browser-signed ROAs.. I get this error:
     > The CIDR block you specfied is not covered by this resource 
    certificate. Furthermore, none of your resource certificates fully cover 
    this CIDR block.
    However, I don't really understand what this message is trying to tell 
    me.  I'm trying to modify a prefix associated with our account, I was 
    just able to update reverse DNS on it, so I definitely have access.
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