[arin-tech-discuss] Geo Location

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at ipinc.net
Mon Jun 15 12:56:28 EDT 2015


I realize that the example he cited is his OWN IP addresses and that
makes his posting EXTREMELY confusing.

And you are right in that it can be read to say "customers" meaning
"internal customers" meaning "internal users"

However, I have a lot of experience with GM dealers in the US as
I'm a consultant for one.

GM does not provide Internet connectivity to it's dealers.  GM
maybe 20 years ago did this but not today.  Dealers must get their
own connectivity.

Yes, he may be talking about customers in the GM Germany corporate 
waiting room but I kind of doubt it.

In the US, GM does everything it can to force customers to go to
a dealership.  I doubt they even HAVE a customer waiting room in
GM's corporate HQ in the US.  I very much doubt that it works
any different overseas.

Clearly, he is VERY confused in how geolocation works.  That does not
help to write an interpretable question, I'm afraid.

I think he is speaking as a content provider.  Likely his DMZ is holding 
his webservers and he's under the impression that the
IP address geolocation of his DMZ is affecting it.

That means his customers are coming in from their OWN Ip addresses.  He 
is using those IPs to figure out where they are located so he can send
them to localized websites (that are in their own language) instead
of the English US website for GM.

My guess is that Jon Worley's explanation probably even further
confused him and he's run screaming into the night, and we likely
won't hear any further from him, so we are kind of in the speculation
phase right now.

We'll see what the followup is and which of us guessed right if he
comes back...


On 6/15/2015 9:27 AM, Brian Rak wrote:
> On 6/15/2015 12:00 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> Hi Jon, and All,
>> This isn't what he is asking.  He is asking:
>> "...We want to use geo-location to ensure
>> > our customers are routed locally to regional services like google etc
>> > rather than routed to the US....."
>> He cannot change SWIPs for his customers IP addresses.
> I think you're confused here.  He very much does want the geo-ip for his
> IP space to be correct.  I'm pretty sure by customers he means "internal
> customers".
> Otherwise, why would he be talking about Google?
>  > I am trying to find out the process to get regional IP address space
> registered correctly for GEO location for our regional DMZ’s across the
> globe within GM
> The important parts there being "regional DMZ's" and "within GM"
> **

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