[arin-tech-discuss] Browser shows nothing when it visits www.ote.arin.net.

Tim Christensen timc at arin.net
Mon Mar 24 20:42:34 EDT 2014

Hello Sean,

We've been able to replicate the problem, and we are investigating. We will post an update ASAP.


Tim Christensen

On Mar 24, 2014, at 5:10 PM, "Zhao, Sean" <Sean.Zhao at CenturyLink.com<mailto:Sean.Zhao at CenturyLink.com>>

                We are facing some weird issues for your ote env. Some browsers(ie9) can see your www.ote.arin.net<http://www.ote.arin.net> andhttp://whois.ote.arin.net/rest/org/CLC-121/pft just fine. Some browers in the office are not. As long as they hit www.ote.arin.net<http://www.ote.arin.net> orhttp://whois.ote.arin.net/rest/org/CLC-121/pft ,the browers just keep running and running util they failed.
                Do you know what is wrong? Any idea? We did try to disable all the add-ons. But still does not work.

Any response will be appreciated.

Sean Zhao,

>From Centurylink
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