[arin-tech-discuss] zero-padded IP addresses in "startAddress" and "endAddress" values

Andy Newton andy at arin.net
Fri Mar 30 10:31:55 EDT 2012

On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:46 PM, Dani Roisman wrote:

> Andy - thanks for considering this.  David mentioned earlier in the thread that it's always been this way - is that really accurate?  I don't have historical examples, but when we first coded to the RESTful API late in 2011, we didn't see the zero-padding of IPs.


To be truthful I had forgotten this difference between Whois-RWS and Reg-RWS. But to our knowledge, yes this has already been the case. We had our QA department double check it.

However, our Reg-RWS documentation says it will be returned without zero padding. So this is our mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Andy Newton

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