[arin-tech-discuss] Question about the management of POC.

Zhao, Sean Sean.Zhao at CenturyLink.com
Tue Jun 19 15:15:46 EDT 2012

Hello David Huberman.

If CenturyLink send an xml to /rest/poc;makeLink=TRUE?apikey=APIKEY to create a POCHandle for a new OrgHandle, Ceturylink has the authority to delete this POCHandle and delete this OrgHandle. That is what we have discussed sometime last year. Beth asked me can we update this POCHandle and under the OrgHandle we created?

      I also remember every time we are trying to create an OrgHandl, AD poc is the mandatory field. Can we update this mandatory POC?

Thanks in advance!


Sean Zhao
Sean.Zhao at CenturyLink.com

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