[arin-tech-discuss] Restful web service for Swipping

Grimes, Ronald Ron.Grimes at qwest.com
Thu Jun 9 08:29:25 EDT 2011

Hi Tim,

I went through the document and saw the following on page 22 (in attachment).  These are some of the details we are looking for.  We are not seeing error messages like this come back in production.  Do you know if this is currently working?  Do you know if there are any plans to make these error messages more specific?


From: Grimes, Ronald
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 8:11 AM
To: 'Tim Christensen'; 'arin-tech-discuss at arin.net'
Cc: Zhao, Sean
Subject: RE: Restful web service for Swipping

Do you know how long it will be before these documents will be updated to be more user friendly?

From: Tim Christensen [mailto:timc at arin.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 8:04 AM
To: Grimes, Ronald; 'arin-tech-discuss at arin.net'
Cc: Zhao, Sean
Subject: Re: Restful web service for Swipping

Greetings Ron,

The responses to the Registration RWS are outlined in the Methods document, with greater detail regarding response content in the Payload document, found at https://www.arin.net/resources/restful-interfaces.html (see the box on the right, "RESTful Provisioning Downloads").  These documents are undergoing revision at this time to improve their clarity and utility, and will be published soon.

Your question is context-dependent, i.e., the responses will depend on how and what you're asking the web service for.  As a general rule, your response will take the form of:

 *   An HTTP status 200 series response, indicating success; your response will contain a payload of the type indicated by the Methods document
 *   An HTTP status 400 series response, indicating a client error, such as a bad request or content problem
 *   An HTTP status 500 series response, indicating a server error, such as Service Unavailable (we try not to let this happen, obviously)

For SWIPs, see the Methods document section labeled "Create Recipient Org" (for Reallocates and Detail-Reassigns), "Create Recipient Customer" (for Simple-Reassigns), "Reallocate", and "Reassign".  Note that each method denotes that a successful request will return both an HTTP response and an attached Payload, specific to the call that you make to the service.

Best regards,
Tim Christensen
ARIN Engineering

On 6/7/11 1:45 PM, "Grimes, Ronald" <Ron.Grimes at qwest.com> said:
Hi Tim,

I work with Centurylink/ Qwest Communications we are working on getting our systems ready to support swipping under the restful webservice process ARIN is implementing.  One of the questions we have is what we could possibly see as responses to our call to the webservice?

Could you all assist with information around that?

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