[arin-ppml] Revised - ARIN-2024-7: Addition of Definitions for General and Special Purpose IP Addresses

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Thu Feb 27 10:26:43 EST 2025

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 6:03 PM Scott Leibrand <scottleibrand at gmail.com> wrote:
> IMO anyone with a use for a new definition should propose their new
> policy text, along with the supporting definition, as a new proposal,
> and we should abandon this one.

Hi Scott,

Speaking only for myself, this seems short sighted to me. You're
asking some future proposal to take on dual roles: defining a class of
allocations that may only be used for the original purpose and
establishing criteria such an allocation. It's hard enough to get
consensus on a proposal that does just one thing instead of two.

Having a definition on the books, so to speak, would make it easier
for a future proposal laying out criteria for an allocation to be
clear and concise, both of which are demands from the PDP's section

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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