[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2024-5: Rewrite of NRPM Section 4.4 Micro-Allocation

Matthew Cowen matthew at dgtlfutures.com
Tue May 28 10:39:53 EDT 2024

Some of this discussion is above my pay grade as I am not a technical expert in IXPs.

However from a neutral point of view, I agree that the exclusion of the word “ethernet” would tend to leave the policy flexible for future evolutions or changes to network hardware, protocols etc. However, I am in two minds as to whether or not this is urgently necessary. I don’t see any specific technical advancements that would render ethernet defunct in the pipeline when implemented in this specific scenario.

So, my pov is ok, why not exclude “ethernet”, but it is not urgent.

My best/Cordialement,

Matthew Cowen

On 26 May 2024, at 15:22, Roman Tatarnikov <roman at intlos.org> wrote:

I do agree with Bill's proposal as well. Breaking a big cumbersome task into multiple small ones will get the things moving faster. So updating the definitions first should help everyone.

However, I do believe that the word `Ethernet` should be avoided. While it addresses today's situation, we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Ideally what we want is to write a policy that will address not only today's needs, but will be prepared to withstand challenges of time. I can behind of what Owen and Tyler proposed, however I'm not a wordsmith and can't settle on what's the best replacement for "Ethernet" should be. All I know is that there should be one.

On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 12:46:06AM -0400, Martin Hannigan wrote:
On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 4:42 PM Owen DeLong via ARIN-PPML <
arin-ppml at arin.net> wrote:

I think the best resolution here would be to move all definitional text
for IX in both proposals into a proposed (and identical) definition in NRPM
section 2 and then it’s harmonious and not in need of future
synchronization regardless of whether either or both proposals are adopted.

I do agree with Bill's suggestion that we finish 2024-4 including a
definition and defined term for 2024-5 and anything else related ("Defined
Term"). So I think we're agreeing.

I object to the removal of "ethernet" from 2024-5.

Roman V Tatarnikov | https://linkedin.com/in/rtatarnikov
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