[arin-ppml] AC structure (was AC candidates)

Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 11:07:29 EDT 2024


On 15/08/2024 13:43, John Curran wrote:
> <clip>
> Fernando -
> I am having trouble following you and believe we may have moved into 
> two (or three) separate topics.   If you are asking whether or not I 
> believe an RIR governing body can be elected by its membership (rather 
> than some larger group called the “community”), then the answer to 
> that is certainly yes.
I am by no means referring to ARIN Board or any RIR Board which is the 
governing body and this one I fully agree has to be chosen only by 
membership. I am indeed referring to region’s policy development process 
for number resource management policies.
>> <clip´>
> If you are referring specifically to a region’s policy development 
> process for number resource management policies, then the requirements 
> are quite clear.
> Per ICP-2 -
>     /3) Bottom-up self-governance structure for setting local policies/
>     /
>     /
>     /The new RIR needs to have and to clearly document defined
>     procedures for the development of resource management policies
>     which may be implemented regionally, as well as those that may be
>     recommended to the Address Council for consideration as global
>     policies. These procedures must be open and transparent, be
>     accessible to all interested parties, and ensure fair
>     representation of all constituencies within the region./
>     /
>     /
>     /These procedures should include holding at least one annual
>     policy development meeting that is open and accessible to all
>     interested parties./
>     /
>     /
>     /In addition to public meetings, the new RIR needs to maintain
>     public archived mailing lists to discuss policy development./
>     /
>     /
>     /Further, the new RIR should have the capability to undertake its
>     responsibility to host an Address Council General Assembly
>     Meeting, as described in section 5 of the ASO MoU./
> All interested parties must be must have access to a process which is 
> open and transparent and ensures fair representation of all 
> constituencies within the region.
> There is nothing that precludes or constrains an RIR from having 
> involvement of their governing board, an advisory council, or any 
> other body in those processes (and in fact, it recognizes that some 
> policies will explicitly have another body - the Address Council) so 
> long as it does not adversely impact the open/transoparent/accessible 
> nature of the process.

Here's where we differ. You may consider "be accessible to all 
interested parties" as simply giving community voice to participate, if 
I understand it correctly, but I consider it having community as 
decision makers of the process, by having the pen on their hands and by 
being able to participate on the decision without having to be chosen by 
membership only. When I say unbalanced in ARIN current structure is 
because the ultimate decisions are all with the membership represented 
by the Board and by the AC. Not even the pen in the authors hand after 
the proposal is accepted as a draft is allowed. I personally don't 
consider it fully accessible and balanced.

I agree about all concerns related to the fiduciary duty membership 
represented by the Board has with the organization and also fully 
understand eventual confusions by authors who have little or no 
experience when presenting a proposal, but above that what matters more 
is to have a real and equalized participation of all interested parties 
which includes community people being able to be not only elected by 
also chosen by community. There are enough mechanisms to counterweight 
eventual mistakes and abuses from any stakesholder in this process. 
Number resource management policies affect both membership and community.

Best regards

> Thanks,
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO
> American Registry for Internet Numbers
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