[arin-ppml] ARIN-2023-8 - Reduce 4.1.8 Maximum Allocation

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Wed Aug 14 23:31:15 EDT 2024

On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 4:21 PM Samuel L <hi at ssh.contact> wrote:
> Arista kit such as 7280R series can be had for ~$3,000 and on the more extreme end,
> I have seen virtual machines with a couple of cores and a couple of GB of RAM hold
> and reconverge full tables without breaking a sweat (see: bird2, FRR) though these
> usually can't forward anything more than a couple Gbps of traffic.

Hi Samuel,

This was true in 2008 as well. I use FRR extensively in my AS and have
even written some (unreleased) code for it.

It does not reflect the character of deployed DFZ core routers because
that equipment doesn't really do that job.

> The cost of a routing device capable of handling a full DFZ table has gone down *massively*.

The average cost of the -relevant- devices capable of handling a full
DFZ table has not fallen as far as I can tell. Where "relevant" is
defined as the stuff the folks deep in the DFZ use, not stuff they
theoretically could use if manpower was cheaper than equipment. The
route count has gone up a lot, so unless the router cost has gone up
to match, the cost per route has probably fallen. But not by much.
Take that as a guess - I haven't collected recent data.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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