[arin-ppml] IPv6 migration and NRPM clarification question

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Wed Aug 14 19:14:30 EDT 2024

On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 1:15 PM Matthew Cowen <matthew at dgtlfutures.com> wrote:
> With this discussion about IPv4 allocations, the waiting list, and
> migration to IPv6 (which, as I understand it, is still a priority), has
> there been any proposal or discussion about requiring IPv4
> requesters to commit to IPv6 migration?
> I’m not thinking about 4.10, which addresses facilitating migration
> to IPv6 for those starting that process. I’m thinking about something
> akin to the utilisation rate clause, where allocations depend on
> actual/future promised usage. Not a proposal, just a background query.

Hi Matthew,

That has come up off and on through the years, particularly when IPv4
was in the runout phase with a shrinking IANA free pool. The general
consensus has been that:

1. It's not ARIN's job to pick the technology registrants are required
to employ in their networks.

2. It's actually a hard job. What exactly qualifies as "committing to
IPv6 migration"? And how would ARIN measure it? There are as many
answers as there are people on this mailing list.

3. We as a community don't want ARIN to take on that sort of job. Let
ARIN manage the resources registrants -want- to employ and let that be
guided bottom-up by the market.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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