[arin-ppml] ARIN-2023-8 - Reduce 4.1.8 Maximum Allocation

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Wed Aug 14 18:53:50 EDT 2024

On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 3:32 PM Dominik Dobrowolski
<dominikdobrowolski.co at gmail.com> wrote:
> In your article you mention two costs:
> 1. Cost of transport
> 2. Cost of hardware
> Both are included into the transit price we pay. If it was unprofitable, transit prices would be higher to cover the costs.


Doesn't work that way. Look up "tragedy of the commons," and if it's
not obvious ask me to explain further and I will.

> Keep in mind that a full table in FIB is not necessary for DFZ access, there are plenty of people
> running software routers capable of high throughput (especially with VPP, DPDK)

It's not about what you spend or might be able to spend. It's about
what everybody else spends. I wrote some of the software AWS runs
using DPDK. It's a great platform. It's a great tool for building
custom solutions at the network edge. Their network exterior
participating in the DFZ runs on Cisco and Juniper big-iron like
everybody else and your announcement from wherever you are in the
world consumes a slot in their routing tables. Unless it happens to be
with their BYOIP program, neither you nor anybody else pays them for
that consumption.

> Holding the growth of internet just to keep the life of routers longer is 2008 mentality, just like the article mentioned.

The exact input numbers have changed since the paper was written in
2008. The math equations have not.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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