[arin-ppml] AC candidates

Kat Hunter takokat81 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 15:13:51 EDT 2024

The shepherds allow the policy proposals to go through the process
unchanged as long as it meets the criteria. So in a clean proposal case,
zero.  However, it is sometimes necessary to suggest edits to the proposal
to the policy author to ensure it meets the criteria of a Draft. At that
point the shepherds will reach out to the author suggesting it may not meet
one or many parts of the criteria. They do not change this on their own.
The author is in charge of the policy at this point. Of the policies that
did not meet the initial criteria in the last few years, 2-4 emails back
and forth to tighten up the language . Occasionally that requires a zoom
call between the author and shepherds. There was one at the beginning of
this year left over from 2023, that required several emails each month for
two months. Shepards are also open to community feedback including the
authors once it is in Draft form. I believe that is also why we do not see
frequent petitions.  Once it is in the draft stage, we take input from the
entire community. We encourage authors' input at every step of the process.
However, PDP dictates that the policy is fair, impartial, and technically
sound and has community support. Community support comes from both PPML and
the public policy meeting. If any author has issues with the language of
the policy submitted, I encourage their feedback on PPML and the public
policy meeting so it can all be taken into consideration. I will note that
I can only speak to my experience on the AC and as Chair. I cannot speak
for previous years.

-Kat Hunter
AC Chair

On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 2:05 PM Martin Hannigan <hannigan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 11:48 AM Kat Hunter <takokat81 at gmail.com> wrote:
> [ clip ]
>> The pen is in the author's hands until the point it is moved to Draft.  [
>> .... ] I can tell you the current AC works very hard with authors to get
>> the policy into a state where the community can review it and give it the
>> best chance of success.
> Out of curiosity, how many emails on average go back and forth between
> shepherds and author(s) typical? I doubt there's an official measurement.
> Ballpark is fine.
> Thanks,
> -M<
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