[arin-ppml] Deceased Companies

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Mon Aug 8 07:50:10 EDT 2022

On 7 Aug 2022, at 11:11 PM, Fernando Frediani <fhfrediani at gmail.com<mailto:fhfrediani at gmail.com>> wrote:

It is positive that many of these legacy holder returned some of their unneeded IPv4 resources in the past. However I personally believe it is something negative that there is still a fair amount of these addresses unused and not even announced to the DFZ as if they were waiting for some big Internet event to happen.

It is not possible to infer that resources are unused simply from the fact that they are “not announced to DFZ”...

I really don't mind Legacy Holders to keep addresses that were assigned to them ages ago as long they have a justification for using them.

The ARIN community has never developed or adopted any policy to the effect that legacy resources
holders must justify their resources in order to keep them, so this should not be a matter of concern.

In the other hand I am unable to believe any organization in the entire world that is not a Telecommunications or a Hosting Company is able to technically justify more and a single /8.

I will note that very large organizations have networking needs that rival or even exceed that of many
telecommunications firms.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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