[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2021-7: Make Abuse Contact Useful

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Wed Oct 27 12:40:21 EDT 2021

It doesn't work if emails aren't validated at least a couple of times per year.

It doesn't work if the policy doesn't enforce that the resource actually addresses the abuse cases.

It doesn't work if the policy allows an auto-responder that enforces a form submission.

Ideally, we, as a global community, should work into a standard email-based format (which already exists), an allows to differentiate between spam or real abuse reports, and embed the logs, headers, etc.

El 27/10/21 18:24, "ARIN-PPML en nombre de William Herrin" <arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net en nombre de bill at herrin.us> escribió:

    On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:07 AM <hostmaster at uneedus.com> wrote:
    >  I think that is wrong, since
    > email IS the current standard for reporting abuse.

    And how is that working out for you?

    > Already there are operators that have set up autoresponders to "demand"
    > you report abuse by their web application and stating that they are
    > choosing to ignore your email submission.

    Exactly. That's how it's working out for you.

    Bill Herrin

    William Herrin
    bill at herrin.us
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