[arin-ppml] ARIN 2019-13

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Thu Oct 17 13:48:54 EDT 2019

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 5:32 AM Chris Woodfield <chris at semihuman.com> wrote:

> One could argue that the enforceability of that revocation alone could be
> problematic if the non-domestic entity is able to get a local injunction in
> their home country against it. It is indeed questionable as to whether or
> not *that* injunction would be enforceable in the United States, but
> there’s always the risk of ARIN representatives being held liable should
> they travel to the issuing country. And don’t forget, ARIN staff, board,
> and AC members regularly travel to quite a number of foreign countries on
> official business (I’m typing this from RIPE79 in Rotterdam, for example…),
> so this risk may not be as theoretical as one would assume.

Hi Chris,

Sure, and if you're charged with murder in Japan while you're in Rotterdam
you best not show up at NRT. This feels like a reach to me. If it's a
credible risk, I'd like to understand more about what makes it credible.
>From a lawyer who can talk about examples of it happening and demonstrate
the connection to the example organization's willingness to intentionally
do business with a foreign entity.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us
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