[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2019-18: LIR/ISP Re-Assignment to Non-Connected Networks

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Tue Oct 1 14:39:41 EDT 2019

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 6:34 AM Mike Burns <mike at iptrading.com> wrote:

> Off the top of my head…
> There are many temporary needs that can be best met by leasing. Company
> transitions, renumbering, time-limited projects.
> Sometimes a company wants to test market an area.
> Geolocation needs, some companies need a presence in multiple locations
> and leasing is easier than dealing with multiple RIRs.
> Many lessees need to rotate their addresses for nefarious and
> less-nefarious reasons.
> Some can’t afford to purchase addresses upfront.
> There are leases of blocks smaller than /24, although these do involve
> virtual circuits.
> There are business cases where leasing is better than purchasing, for
> example when there is a lot of uncertainty.
> Leasing is faster and easier than acquiring blocks from RIRs.
> Span-regional needs for addresses.
> And of course those who need addresses but can’t meet ARIN’s (or APNIC,
> LACNIC, AFRINIC) justification requirements.

Hi Mike,

I appreciate you taking a stab at answering my question. Honestly though...
I'm trying to figure out which of those cases would reflect good public
policy? Want to rotate addresses for "less nefarious" reasons? Business
cases for introducing "uncertainty" in to the BGP table? Are not the RIR
justification requirements (developed through the public policy process)
the definition of "need?" What are the "needs" which fail to be justified?

Let's try to ground this a little better. Can you suggest (with details and
specificity) a hypothetical case where the customer's use of IP addresses
is obviously reasonable and leasing addresses independent of data transit
unambiguously presents the best option?

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us
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