[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2019-19: Require IPv6 Before Receiving Section 8 IPv4 Transfers

Michel Py michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us
Wed Nov 6 17:05:42 EST 2019


>> Michel Py wrote :
>> IPv6 has failed to deploy for twenty years. Open your eyes.

> John Curran wrote :
> That’s a point that you’ll need to prove to the community, if indeed you wish it to be considered in the development of policy.

Look at Industry IPv6 and University IPv6, the big tables at the end.
Maybe I'm color blind, but I see mostly red.

Read this paper. Serious people, funded by ICANN.
Short : https://www.internetgovernance.org/2019/02/20/report-on-ipv6-get-ready-for-a-mixed-internet-world/
Long : https://www.internetgovernance.org/wp-content/uploads/IPv6-Migration-Study-final-report.pdf
The report concludes that legacy IPv4 will coexist with IPv6 indefinitely.

And read below. There are more links.
It is a war, and I have said it publicly for years.

> Just in case ... support !

I would never have guessed ;-)

> With all the respect, 30%+ global IPv6 traffic, I think somebody else should open the eyes!

Measured where ? I have real-world data in your RIR as well. Real data, not inflated figures on how much IPv6 prefixes have been registered because they were forced to do so, which is exactly what this proposal is about : force people to register IPv6 prefixes so we can inflate the deployment numbers.

30% traffic on IPv6-enabled organizations does not tell the state of the Internet.

IPv6 is less 3% of traffic at AMS-IX, one of the large ones in Europe.
That figure includes private interconnects. I have similar figures from large ISPs.

This is real traffic.
Care to post figures based on traffic ? On real traffic I mean. Not biased traffic collected at orgs who are IPv6 enabled.

> scott at solarnetone.org
> Now you have me really curious. Why are you opposed to IPv6?

I am not opposed to IPv6. What I am opposed to is zealots who have been telling me the same broken records for 20 years, trying to shove it down my throat by any means possible including taxing it. My ecosystem is IPv4 and it's big enough to survive on its own forever.
IPv6 is not the Internet. The IPv4 Internet does not need IPv6. My network, my rules.

If you don't want the balkanization of the Internet, stop trying to force-feed me.
IPv6 is a solution looking for a problem that I do not have.


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