[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2019-19: Require IPv6 Before Receiving Section 8 IPv4 Transfers

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Wed Nov 6 16:25:11 EST 2019

Hi Michael,

With all the respect, 30%+ global IPv6 traffic, I think somebody else should open the eyes!

China already mandated it to the ISPs, even if we aren't able to measure it correctly (yet), you can guess that being a country with 1.4 billion inhabitants, this will, in just a couple of years, double the % of IPv6 traffic. Add to that the competition to Jio in India.

Add to that that more and more cellular operators, specially those deploying 5G, will do IPv6-only.

Every country where there is a major operator deploying IPv6, forces the others to do the same.

Take also in consideration that, once you deploy IPv6 in a residential network, because the Google+Facebook+Netflix+few others, the IPv6 traffic overnight can be 65 to even 85%.

It is a matter of a very few years that the global IPv6 traffic spike towards 60-80%.

We have passed the break-point already 3-4 years ago: no return point.

I buy you a dinner if not, even in one of the Michelin restaurants in Madrid if you want!


El 6/11/19 21:59, "ARIN-PPML en nombre de Michel Py" <arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net en nombre de michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> escribió:

    > John Curran wrote :
    > you might find it difficult to argue that you wish the benefits of
    > cooperation minus whatever obligations that community collectively establishes.
    You might find difficult to explain to your members the legal costs associated with pursuing a crusade that has failed for the last 20 years.
    IPv6 has failed to deploy for twenty years. Open your eyes.
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