[arin-ppml] [EXT] Re: Open Petition for ARIN-prop-266: BGP Hijacking is an ARIN Policy Violation

hostmaster at uneedus.com hostmaster at uneedus.com
Mon Apr 29 00:50:11 EDT 2019

At this point, I remain neutral on this issue.

I do not see how ARIN can take a position on BGP Hijacking, when ARIN a 
few years ago in Draft Policy ARIN 2014-6 eliminated any end user rights 
granted by the policy manual to manage their reverse DNS on address space 
assigned to them by their upstream ISP.  This Draft Policy struck 7.1 
(IPv4) and 6.5.6 (IPv6) from the policy manual.  This was another act of 
ARIN to avoid the role of internet police by telling ISP's what they must 
do as a condition of receiving resources from ARIN, in this case provide 
reverse DNS to their customers.

I wonder if the forced registration in Whois upon request of the end user 
for IPv6 space in will be the next victim of the "avoid being the 
internet police" attitude at ARIN.  To me, allowing a customer to force 
the registration in Whois of their IPv6 space, but not forcing the ISP to 
delegate the reverse DNS for that same space seems wrong.

While most ISP's are reasonable to their customers and will assign the 
reverse IPv4 and IPv6 zones to their customers who have been assigned 
space upon request, there does exist many ISP's who will not, or insist on 
more expensive commercial service in order to obtain the ability to manage 
their reverse DNS zones.  In some cases these major ISP's might be the 
only ones available with reasonable bandwidth, eliminating the market 
factors of "just find another ISP".

If ARIN is unwilling to govern the issue of ISP's who refuse to delegate 
the reverse zones provided to the ISP by ARIN to its customers, how 
can we ever expect ARIN to enforce BGP Hijacking which could originate 
from one of the other 4 RIR's in addition to ARIN?

Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Sun, 28 Apr 2019, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> In message <F04ED1585899D842B482E7ADCA581B8472A6D6E7 at newserver.arneill-py.local>,
> Michel Py <michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> wrote:
>>> And as I have noted above, the same "governance" entity that paints the lines
>>> on the road should also be the one enforcing those lines and those rules.
>>> Anything else is  just unworkable, as history has already amply proven.
>> If that is what you want, you need to give ARIN enforcement powers and the
>> resources to do so that are  not currently there.
> People toss around this word "enforcement" as if we needed a full battalion
> of United Nations Blue Helments in order to just simply kick AUP violators
> to the curb.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
> The remedy is as simple as the crime.  Don't play by the rules?  Then all
> of the WHOIS records for what used to be "your" ASNs and IP address blocks
> are revoked and likewise for your reverse DNS delegations.  In short, you
> violate your contract with ARIN and that contract gets revoked, according
> to the terms of the contract.
> This is just simply contractual enforcement of a sane (and contractually
> binding) AUP.
> The people who view this as somehow either radical or novel are still living
> in the prior century, and apparently are such luddites that they haven't ever
> even used a modern online service. e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc., etc., etc.
> and thus remain blissfully unaware of the fact that essentially -every- other
> online service has, and has had, for many years now, an AUP of one kind or
> another, and one which users violate at the possible cost of losing that
> service.
> This isn't rocket surgery.
> Time for everyone to grow up a little and agree that bad behavior should
> have consequences.  A vote in favor of having no consequences for anything,
> ever is what I would expect from a class of third graders, not a group
> of supposedly mature and thoughtful engineers.
> And no, the Internet community should NOT wait around with its collective
> hands in its collective pockets, hoping and wishing for law enforcement to
> come in and clean up the messes that we, the technologists, have created
> for ourselves through our own short-sightedness and bad designs.  It's our
> mess, and we should clean it up ourselves, not wait for mommy to come in
> and change our diapers for us.
> Regards,
> rfg
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