[arin-ppml] ARIN Recommended Draft Policy 2017-12

Christian Tacit ctacit at tacitlaw.com
Tue Sep 25 22:32:59 EDT 2018

Dear Community Members,

I am writing in my capacity as one of the two co-shepherds of ARIN Recommended Draft Policy 2017-12 (RDP 2017-12).

On May 17, 2018, the ARIN AC, having successfully completed the PDP process for RDP 2017-12, recommended its adoption by the Board.

On July 31, 2018, the Board remanded ARIN RDP 2017-12 to the ARIN AC. Noting the complexity of the policy, the Board wants a more complete policy assessment of technical soundness, and recommended interviews by the AC with ISPs who make numerous delegation requests including those with IP management platforms, if such interviews have not been already conducted.

Although we are reaching out directly to the top Swipper for feedback, I am also requesting input via PPML from ISPs who make numerous delegation requests including those with IP management platforms.

In addition, a few of my AC colleagues and I will be available between 10:00 AM and noon, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on each of Monday and Tuesday at NANOG 74 in Vancouver in the Oxford Room to receive feedback.

Finally, David Farmer (the other co-shepherd of RDP 2017-12) and I will be present throughout NANOG 74 and ARIN 42, as will a number of other AC members, so please feel free to approach any of us to provide your feedback as well.

Thank you.

Chris Tacit
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