[arin-ppml] ARIN discontinuing DNSSEC capability to legacy holders

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Fri Oct 5 00:17:34 EDT 2018

> On Oct 4, 2018, at 9:13 PM, Jo Rhett <jrhett at netconsonance.com> wrote:
>> You’re entirely missing Michael’s point.  DNSSEC is not a _treat_ that you dangle in front of universities, it’s an operational requirement for _the whole Internet_, of which your paying members are constituents.  You’re denying _me_ the ability to use DNSSEC to validate addresses any time you prevent anyone from registering a DS record.
> What’s happening here is that you desire to not only continue to freeload when ARIN has spent decades trying to get you to play nice with others, but you want ARIN to create brand new services and then give those to you for free. You cannot claim operational impact when you have refused for 25 years to play by the rules.

I’m sorry, could you elaborate on each of those points?

How exactly am I freeloading, how am I not playing “nicely with others” or “by the rules,” and how am I not operationally impacted if there’s someone out there who’s not allowed to insert a DS record into a parent zone?

I eagerly await your answer.


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