[arin-ppml] Availability of the ARIN Fee Structure Review Report

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Fri Sep 19 15:07:07 EDT 2014

On Sep 19, 2014, at 2:45 PM, Steve Noble <snoble at sonn.com> wrote:

> John,
> If you want to call years and years of being unable to update the ASN, _that I was being billed for_ "support", we have a difference of opinion.  Had I been an ARIN member, I am sure I would have gotten better treatment, but possibly not as RS and many other highly respected individuals tried to help over the years but were unsuccessful.

Steve - 
   You get the same support either way, and you received responses each time
   you asked throughout the years on how to correct the discrepancy.  I am glad
   it has been resolved, but I assure you that "being a member" would have made
   no difference on your ability to get correct your association with an organization

> The relevance is: as stated in the review report, you have over 11,000 ASN only organizations who are not members of ARIN.  ARIN continues to raise fees yet does not provide more value.  I am a vocal minority.

   The ARIN Board of Trustees has provided that those who hold IPv4 or IPv6
   number resources and have a registration services agreement with ARIN are 
   eligible to be ARIN members.  Note that ISPs are paying annual registration 
   service fees that start at $500/year (per the Current fee schedule) and that
   includes ARIN membership (note that end-users and legacy address holders
   with IPv4 resources are also eligible to become ARIN Members for a $500 
   annual fee.)

   Being an ARIN Member doesn't change the registry services one receives, 
   but does allow one to vote in ARIN elections, nominate individuals to the 
   Board of Trustees and Advisory Council, and participate in the ARIN Discuss 
   Mailing List.  More information ARIN membership can be found here -


John Curran
President and CEO

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