[arin-ppml] IP Address Policy

Scott Leibrand scottleibrand at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 19:27:29 EDT 2012

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Steven Ryerse
<SRyerse at eclipse-networks.com>wrote:

> Also, I have requested that the policy I proposed be entered and
> considered by this community and I expect that you or whoever will make
> that happen.  I have no experience with that so I will need help.

That is one of the most important role that those of us on the Advisory
Council volunteer for when we run for election: helping those who want to
propose policy do so.  I'm happy to help craft policy language, if you can
identify which part of the currently policy language you'd like changed,
and a rough idea of how you think it could be changed, ideally in a way
that's fair to new entrants and to organizations running default-free
routers that have to carry each new route that is added to the BGP table.

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