[arin-ppml] ARIN-prop-148 LRSA resources must not be transferred to LRSA

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Wed May 11 21:22:59 EDT 2011

On May 11, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> Agreed. This should be possible without identifying the particular
> recipient of the modification, so, I don't believe it would violate
> any NDA to do so.

That is not exactly clear, since parties to the language of an agreement 
might not want the terms disclosed even without attribution.  For example,
if a particular state (by statute) has an onerous paper-based notification
requirement, and we negotiate an agreement from the department we work with
that they will periodically log into ARIN Online and print out & send any 
materials that need to be mailed to contracting, that particular workaround 
is not necessarily something that they want to replicate with just any other 
vendors, and may be discerned even if the particular state name is redacted.

I note this is ultimately a matter for the ARIN Board - if you will submit this 
suggestion to the ARIN ACSP, I will insure that it makes it on to an agenda for 
their consideration.  It has potential impact to our ability to operate the 
organization successfully under some circumstances, but is a reasonable question 
for the Board to consider in fullness given the benefit of improved transparency. 


John Curran
President and CEO

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