[arin-ppml] Draft Policy 2011-1 - Inter-RIR Transfers - Shepherd's Inquiry

Martin Hannigan hannigan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 20:54:25 EDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Martin Hannigan <hannigan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Bill Darte <BillD at cait.wustl.edu> wrote:
>> Owen,
>> Others on the AC would be interested as I am I'm sure in seeing the
>> tweaks you propose and or course you are welcome to make a motion to
>> send that new text to last call.
>> My current effort is an attempt to air the issues once again in a
>> focused way so that if a motion like yours fails to achieve 8 votes in
>> the AC, we have a contingency plan.
>> I support your effort.
> [ .. ]
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Owen DeLong [mailto:owen at delong.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5:04 PM
>>> Alternatively, there were very minor issues with the original
>>> 2011-1 that we had some simple language tweaks to address. I
>>> have expressed support for those and would favor bringing
>>> that language to a vote for forwarding to last call at our
>>> meeting on Thursday.
> There's less than 48 hours to the Thursday AC meeting. Making
> modifications to rush things to last call is challenging based on the
> public feedback that we have and the large dissent noted in the latest
> AC minutes regardless of the reasoning.
> Submit edits prior to the Thursday meeting leaves me wondering how
> everyone will be able to review, think, discuss and then vote on them
> with so little time available to consider.
> Section 4.3 of the PDP implies that last call is a state of consensus.
> I think we're  far from that to be considering rushing things like
> Owen, or anyone, is proposing.

Since Owen is already working the AC to try and rush this through
privately, let me clarify; these changes are posted to PPML less than
48 hours which doesn't seem like an adequate amount of time to
address. It also seems clear that some advocates are willing to do
_anything_ to get this through including shifting their opinion and
ignoring the feedback on this list. That alone should be enough to
stall this for a bit and to answer the significant unanswered

> Section 4.3 of the PDP implies that last call is a state of consensus.

I'm still very curious and wouldn't mind seeing Bill or Owen explain
how we've reached anything near consensus. Unless there's a dramatic
shift in the attitude of posters to this thread, I'm planning on
suggesting that the AC postpone until a later date.



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