[arin-ppml] RIR distribution of legacy addresses

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Thu Jun 2 12:07:58 EDT 2011

On Jun 2, 2011, at 10:51 AM, Benson Schliesser wrote:
> Just to clarify: what I understand from your comment is that, while APNIC will not redistribute any ERX Legacy blocks, ARIN will redistribute </8 sized blocks and return /8 blocks to IANA.  Is this correct?

I can't speak to APNIC's procedures.  With respect to ARIN, your summary 
refers to the future, and I have only stated that our historic practice 
has been to redistribute </8 sized blocks and to return /8 blocks to IANA.  
I do not know about future practice; that is subject to the policies which
are developed in the ARIN region and guidance from the ARIN Board. 

With respect to ARIN's historic practices in this area, I note that when 
InterNIC registry services were transferred from NSI to ARIN, we continued 
to use existing practices, and since space was being allocated to RIRs at 
the /8 boundary, return of address blocks smaller than /8 to IANA did not 
actually make space available for reuse for another RIR.  


John Curran
President and CEO

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