[arin-ppml] ARIN-prop-126: Compliance Requirement

Chris Grundemann cgrundemann at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 15:12:03 EST 2011

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 12:49, Chris Boyd <cboyd at gizmopartners.com> wrote:
> I understand the desire to better manage the address space utilization, but this seems like a lot of work on both sides to manage.  Maybe if we were talking about this as a policy in the dawn of ARIN time I could fully support it with a few tweaks.
> As it stands, it seems that it would just add a lot explanations to execs unfamiliar with ARIN about why we need to do all this additional work just because we [shut down a division | sold a customer base | other business reason for changing address space used].
> It seems to try to conserve IPv4 resources that we're all supposed to be moving away from.

As a point of clarification (and as Scott already pointed out), the
original author's intent was specific to IPv6. Although this policy
also affects IPv4, that is not it's intended or stated primary

As such, it may be worthwhile to look at this proposal from the
perspective that we *are* talking about this near the dawn of the IPv6

Just some food for thought,

> We're still relying on end users to accurately report usage of address space, and I don't think that anyone wants to get ARIN into a full-blown network auditor position.
> Overall, I'd rather keep the current language.
> --Chris
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