[arin-ppml] Fw: Staff proposing policy.

Mike Burns mike at nationwideinc.com
Thu Apr 28 14:22:44 EDT 2011

 Total Host under LRSA: 137,052,928
 Total number of legacy addresses: 1,500,000,000 more or less.(35% of the 
entire pool)

 Total legacy space under LRSA is less than 10%
And 40% of the LRSA space is education and government.

 Lots of space is on the sidelines, even though LRSA has been available for 

 The courts have already established the exclusive rights to transfer legacy
 space.  Remember, Nortel was selling addresses to Microsoft which were 
 to Nortel *without* ARIN approval.

 (Although I am asserting this without proof, I am asking whether Nortel was
 ever a party to a successful 8.2 M&A transfer prior to the Microsoft deal,
 and assuming the answer is no.I welcome the presentation of any evidence to
 the contrary.)
 (And I am harping on this issue of Nortel's "predecessors in interest" to
 avoid trying to divine some unclear language in the order approving the
 Nortel to MS deal.)

 I predict many more would sign the LRSA if the restrictions on selling
 addresses were lifted.
 Right now legacy holders feel they have the right to sell to whomever they
 wish, and that right would be restricted through signing the LRSA.

 Take away the transfer restrictions and you will have more addresses under
 LRSA, and isn't that the goal?


 Mike Burns

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John Curran" <jcurran at arin.net>
> To: "Michel Py" <michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us>
> Cc: "Public Policy Mailing List" <ppml at arin.net>
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 1:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Staff proposing policy.
>> On Apr 28, 2011, at 1:26 PM, Michel Py wrote:
>>> I was about to bring that point myself; to those who ask "do legacy 
>>> holders really find the policies unpalatable" I answer: look what 
>>> percentage of them have signed an LRSA. This is the root cause of the 
>>> issue: the "to sign or not to sign" syndrome.
>> The vast majority of legacy holders are organizations that don't
>> even know that ARIN exists.  They are peacefully using their
>> address allocation, and the only contact with ARIN that they
>> have may have had is recently as a result of implementation of
>> the POC validation policy.  The percentage of them that have
>> signed LRSAs is not a valid indicator of whether the LRSA has
>> support, as the majority have never been made aware of its
>> existence.
>> I believe better information is available from the statistics on
>> those who inquire about the LRSA (and after we provide information)
>> then complete or abandon the process. Those statistics are available
>> here <https://www.arin.net/knowledge/statistics/legacy.html>, and
>> one could argue that just over 50% find it acceptable, 20% started
>> the process and turned out not to need an LRSA, and the rest either
>> abandoned the process or were approved but are unsure about signing.
>> There is additional LRSA statistical information on that page, and
>> I'm sure that many different conclusions could be drawn (as that is
>> the nature of many discussions regarding statistics)
>> Hope this helps,
>> /John
>> John Curran
>> President and CEO
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