[arin-ppml] Preemptive IPv6 assignment

George Bonser gbonser at seven.com
Fri Oct 8 04:13:14 EDT 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net [mailto:arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net]
> Behalf Of William Herrin
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:46 AM
> To: arin-ppml at arin.net
> Subject: [arin-ppml] Preemptive IPv6 assignment
> "Why not look in the BGP table, take every announced ARIN AS number
> and preemptively assign IPv6 addresses to each associated organization
> that doesn't already have them? Not forever of course... give it three
> years and then the assignments evaporate unless claimed by signing an
> RSA and paying the annual fees."
> When I posed this question the responses were largely variants on,
> "That would make too much sense."

I have not read through every response to this thread but have read over
a number of them.  It seems to me that there is considerable discussion
on the size of such allocation.

It seems that would be a fairly simple matter as you could look at the
type of organization they are and make some educated guesses and if
assignments are made on nibble boundaries, there might be room for

For example:

Assume everyone currently in v4 space will at some point need v6 space.
An organization that is an ISP today in v4 space will probably still be
an isp in v6 space.
A large enterprise in v4 space will still be a large enterprise in v6
A network with multiple unconnected networks in v4 will still be
multiple unconnected in v6.

The v6 assignment can probably be chosen to match fairly closely a
profile which can be fairly reasonably determined by their v4
assignments.  It might be possible to auto-categorize an AS based on
their v4 assignment.  Assignments can be made on a nibble boundary with
some padding to allow for growth.

Rather than a "one size fits all" initial assignment, it might be fairly
easy to come up with three or four categories to get the assignment
pretty close to begin with.  Maybe initial sizes of /32  /40  /44 and
/48 might do.  An ISP gets a /32, a large enterprise gets a /40, an AS
with multiple unconnected gets a /44 and run of the mill small
multihomed AS gets a /48

Maybe enough buffering can be put in place between the various types of
assignments to allow for growth commensurate with the sort of network
they are.  ISPs getting a /32 might get room to grow larger and the same
with the other types.

Or is that just too much work to try to sort out?


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