[arin-ppml] Policy Proposal: Customer Confidentiality - revised

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at ipinc.net
Wed Jun 10 13:53:27 EDT 2009

Robert Bonomi wrote:
>> Policy Proposal 95
>> 1. Policy Proposal Name: Customer Confidentiality
>> 2. Proposal Originator: Aaron Wendel
>> 3. Proposal Version: 2.0
>> 4. Date: 10 June 2009
>> 5. Proposal type: new
>> 6. Policy term: permanent
>> 7. Policy statement:
>> ISPs may choose to enter the customer's name along with the ISP's
>> address and phone number in reassignments and reallocations in lieu of
>> the customer's address and phone number.  The customer's actual
>> information must be provided to ARIN on request and will be held in the
>> strictest confidence.
> I oppose this policy proposal _as_written_.
> I do not believe that this should be the sole prerogative of the ISP.
> Change the wording to something like:
>   "An ISP may, _at_their_customer's_request_, enter the following information:
>      {customer's actual name}
>      C/O {the ISP's NAME and address}
>      {the ISP's phone number}
>    in lieu of the customer's address and phone number.  The customer's actual
>    information must be provided to ARIN on request and will be held in the
>    strictest confidence."

This is intrusion of operational details into the NRPM and has 
historically been opposed by the community.

Nothing in the proposal prevents the ISP from telling all their 
customers that by default, SWIP data will contain the ISP's data, unless 
a customer opts-out.

If you want to run your ISP like this, fine.

Just don't tell me how to run my ISP.


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