[arin-ppml] Policy Proposal: Protective Usage Transfer Policy for IPv4 Address

David Farmer farmer at umn.edu
Wed Feb 11 20:08:49 EST 2009

I would like to bring us back to the text of the proposal for a 

Could the Author or one on the supports of this please clearify 
or comment on a few issues for me;

1.  What is the remedy you would seek from ARIN in this 
Appeal of the Transfer?

      A. An extended delay in execution of the transfer.  If so
      how long?

      B. ARIN to assign the block in question directly to the
      Critical Infrastructure Provider?

2.  What do you mean by "for consecutive periods of time".  I 
think you intend that the CI Provider should have been using 
the address block for an extended time period.  So, how long 
should the addresses have been in use to qualify?

3.  Who within ARIN should be responsible to hear the appeal?  
Staff, the Board, a 3rd party arbiter (how would you pick the 
arbiter), a vote at a member meeting?

4. Do the CI Providers need to have a relationship with ARIN 

5. Have you thought about legal issues like indemnification, will 
the CI Providers have to defend ARIN from law suits and pay 
any settlement to the parties to the transfer?

6. How could ARIN possibly defend itself against all the end-
users in this very same situation if we did this for the CI 
Providers.  This is a very slippery slope.

All of these things would have to be dealt with for this proposal 
to make all the way into becoming a policy.  Is it worth it?  Are 
there ways around these issues? 

On 10 Feb 2009 Member Services wrote:

> Policy statement:
> Protective Usage Transfer Policy for IPv4 Address
> Critical infrastructure providers may appeal to ARIN for final review
> and decision of any full or partial transfer of IPv4 address space
> that has been in use serving the community for consecutive periods of
> time.
> Rationale:
> Protection of critical infrastructure as defined in ARIN´s Number
> Resource Policy Manual is necessary in order to ensure the continuous
> operation of the Internet for its global service community. It is
> possible for an organization to transfer an aggregate IPv4 address
> resource containing allocations/assignments downstream supporting
> critical infrastructure. This policy is intended to protect critical
> infrastructure by not allowing the transfer of those assignments if
> such transfer would interfere with the continuous and seamless
> operation of that critical infrastructure or hardship to the provider.
> Timetable for implementation: immediately

David Farmer				     Email:	
farmer at umn.edu
Office of Information Technology
Networking & Telecomunication Services
University of Minnesota			     Phone:	612-626-
2218 University Ave SE			     Cell:		
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029		     FAX:	612-626-

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