[arin-ppml] Policy Proposal: Protective Usage TransferPolicyfor IPv4 Address

Kevin Kargel kkargel at polartel.com
Tue Feb 10 12:05:01 EST 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> From: arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net [mailto:arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net] On
> Behalf Of Leo Bicknell
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:40 AM
> To: arin-ppml at arin.net
> Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Policy Proposal: Protective Usage
> TransferPolicyfor IPv4 Address
> In a message written on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:19:07AM -0600, Kevin
> Kargel wrote:
> > Maybe it is just early and my brain isn't working yet, but could someone
> > offer a plain English translation or an example?
> ARIN Allocates to ISP.NET
> ISP.NET allocates to CriticalInfrastructure.NET.
> ISP.NET decides to transfer to TooMuchMoney.COM,
> and tells CriticalInfrastructure.NET they can't use it
> anymore.
> CriticalInfrastructure.NET wants to be able to appeal to ARIN, since
> it is "Critical Infrastructure" to prevent ISP.NET from transferring
> the block, and presumably breaking the critical infrastructure.
> Hence my comment that if it really is Critical Infrastructure they
> can get a block directly from ARIN under the current policy, renumber
> into it now, well in advance of any potential transfer and then
> have no issues.  It seems silly to me to hold up the transfer of a
> much larger block for one small bit of critical infrastrucutre when
> we have a way to deal with critical infrastructure.
> However, even without renumbering, it seems like this could also
> be solved via contract.  Hopefully CriticalInfrastructure.NET has
> a contract with ISP.NET that says they need to give them signicant
> notice of any event that would require them to renumber.

I completely agree with Leo on this one..  there are policies in place to
give space to CI, so it seems to be a no-brainer that they would get their
own PI space and not be held hostage by their provider.  

I guess the obvious solution was so obvious that I didn't see the problem,
thanks Leo.


> --
>        Leo Bicknell - bicknell at ufp.org - CCIE 3440
>         PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/
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