[arin-ppml] Updated text for Simplified IPv6 Policy

Scott Leibrand scottleibrand at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 18:25:14 EST 2009

On 12/23/2009 2:59 PM, Geoffrey Keating wrote:
> Scott Leibrand writes:
>> X-Small (/48)
>> To qualify for a /48 allocation or assignment, an organization must:
>>      * Be multihomed, per section 2.7, and qualify for an ASN per section
>>        5; or
>>      * Serve at least 1000 hosts; or
>>      * Demonstrate efficient utilization of all direct IPv4 assignments
>>        and allocations, each of which must be covered by any current ARIN
>>        RSA; or
>>      * Qualify for a Micro-allocations for Internal Infrastructure per
> ...
>> Small (/40)
>> To qualify for a /40 allocation or assignment, an organization must
>> qualify for two or more /48s.
> I found the interpretation of this a bit confusing.  Does it mean:
> * Be multihomed at more than one distinct site, or

> * Be multihomed through 4 upstreams and qualify for 2 ASNs, or

> * Serve at least 2000 hosts, or

> * ?? not sure how the third bullet can be doubled
>    sensibly---perhaps with efficient utilisation at more than one RIR? :-), or
Don't even bother.  :-)

> * Qualify for both an X-Small allocation and a Micro-allocation?

> Or does it mean
> * Has two customers (or itself plus one customer, more likely) each of
>    which qualifies for a /48?

> I think some of those are unintended, perhaps it would be better to
> list out the precise criteria.

The basic idea is, if you qualify for more than a /48, you get a /40.  
This seems to be an area that several folks think needs improvement, so 
I'd welcome suggestions.

Thanks for the feedback,

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