[arin-ppml] ARIN releases new version of the Legacy Registration

Cliff Bedore cliffb at cjbsys.bdb.com
Sun Sep 7 08:01:08 EDT 2008

I posted this once before (July 07) but it may be worth looking at again.  I
see no reference to any document about "right to recall", fees, etc etc.  It
just says here's your addresses.  I don't have an AS but my upstream ISP does
and I assume they have permission to connect to the internet. :-)



Cliff Bedore
7403 Radcliffe Dr. College Park MD 20740
cliffb at cjbsys.bdb.com http://www.bdb.com
Amateur Radio Call Sign W3CB For info on ham radio, http://www.arrl.org/

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