[ppml] [arin-discuss] /29 limit for ARIN SWIP whois

michael.dillon at bt.com michael.dillon at bt.com
Wed Jan 9 13:43:53 EST 2008

>   Cool. So, will this policy change identify:
> 	a) which police I call.
> 	b) what are the infractions.
> 	   (is lack of a reverse an infraction?
> 	    Is failing to observe my SLA with my transit ISP an 
> infraction?)
>         c) who these police are going to funded.
> 	d) will there be an open market for providing these 
> "police" services
> 	e) who do I get IP-police credentials anyway?

If we only publish whois info for organizations with a direct
ARIN relationship, then we could extend the whois directory
to contain the phone number of the local police Commercial 
Crime department at the organization's headquarters location,
the fax number and postal address at which to serve sub-poenas
and so on.

Police funding is out of scope for ARIN. As for credentials,
you seem to be making fun of the idea of a special IP police 
force. Don't you realize that this is the state of affairs 
today? There is a special, self-appointed vigilante IP 
police force which uses various forms of intimidation as
a regular part of their arsenal. These IP police have no
credentials and are not regulated by anyone at all.

If we shift to a model where the responsibility for
responding to "bad actors" lies with the ISP from whose
address space the abuse originates from, then we will
end up with a model where real-life law enforcement, 
and normal commercial contract-law, cleans up the bad actors.

The first step is to remove all whois information that
is not for an organization with a direct relationship with

--Michael Dillon

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