[arin-ppml] [Remco.vanMook at eu.equinix.com: [address-policy-wg]newpolicy idea for PA allocations]

Howard, W. Lee Lee.Howard at stanleyassociates.com
Thu Aug 7 17:07:52 EDT 2008

> To use the example below, an organization needs a /15, but 
> the only blocks left are 2 /17s, 1 /18, 5 /19s and 2 /20s. If 
> the idea became policy, an organization shows it needs a /15 
> for the next 12 months.
> ARIN would allocate the /17. That would accommodate the org 
> for an average of three months. Three months later, all 
> things the same, they would apply again for a /15 for the 
> next 12 months. They would get a /17, and so the loop 
> continues. 12 months later, they would have a /15, but 
> through submitting ten applications instead of one.

I don't know if this potential proposal is a good idea or not,
but isn't the point of it that by the time the org uses half
of their qualification (three months later), ARIN would be
completely out?

Org qualifies for /15 but gets /17.  During that three months,
the other /17, /18, and many of the /19s are assigned to others.
Org qualifies for a /15 or /16 but gets a /19.  Maybe a month
later they can get a /22, but by that point IPv4 is gone.  The
goal (I think) would be to distribute the last assignments among
more organizations, so that one well-timed mammoth application
does deplete the remaining pool, meaning Mammoth ISP is the only
one who growsv4 that year/ever again.
Mostly playing devil's advocate.


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