[ppml] 240/4

Tony Hain alh-ietf at tndh.net
Fri May 4 17:04:23 EDT 2007

michael.dillon wrote:
> ...
> Windows software is regularly patched, more often than server software
> in my experience. I am not concerned about any specific behaviour in
> Windows because I know that once the 240/4 RFC goes out, MS will be
> motivated to fix them.

Again it is not about MSFT fixing current code it is about getting it
deployed. Just because patches are offered does not mean they get installed.

> > It is not a matter of fixing the code, it is about the reality of
> getting
> > the old systems weeded out of deployment.
> That is an issue for the organizations that decide they want to try
> using the newly available 240/4 space. I am not going to try and second
> guess their motives or how they might deploy the space. Networks are not
> as homogenous as you imagine. The RFC that releases 240/4 is not
> directed at Joe Sixpack which is why the RIRs will be instructed to warn
> applicants an get them to state that they are aware of the technical
> problems with 240/4.

So you will be the first to sign up for a large block of 240/4, then
convince a VC to invest heavily in server infrastructure to offer the next
YouTube? What will you tell the investors when it turns out that Joe-sixpack
can't even get to that space?

PING: transmit failed, error code 1231

Error 1231: "The remote network is not reachable by the transport"

Note this is a very different error than an unreachable unicast address:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

> > but it should be made clear that use of that space has to be for a
> > completely self-contained collection of new end systems with no
> > expectation
> > of it every working to interact with the rest of the IPv4 address
> space
> > (including 1918).
> The RFC should not say that the 240/4 space MUST be used for a
> self-contained deployment, but it SHOULD warn that this MAY be the only
> useful way of using such addresses.

If there is any implication that the space is useful for interacting with
the non-240/4 space, the author should be personally liable to the VC that
invests as described above. A clear health warning has to accompany any
document that defines 240/4. 


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