[ppml] 240/4

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Wed May 2 22:01:06 EDT 2007

At 22:12 +0000 5/2/07, bmanning at karoshi.com wrote:

>	on the presumption that we (the IP using community) really have
>no intention of abandoning IPv4 anytime real soon

When the last new IPv4 address has been given out there will still be 
IPv4 packets routed, IPv4 registrations to manage, and reclaimed IPv4 
to be doled out.  Our world doesn't completely end with the depletion 
of the IPv4 pools.  So trying to squeeze out a few more addresses may 
well be worth the effort even if the IETF document cycle takes longer 
than the Huston/Hain predictions give us.
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Sarcasm doesn't scale.

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