[ppml] PIv6 for legacy holders (/w RSA + efficient use)

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Sat Jul 28 23:48:03 EDT 2007

>> and it is our job to use policy to 'make' anyone migrate why?
> The technical decision for each network, whether it migrates is up to
> that network.
> However, as a steward of addresses, ARIN should be encouraging users 
> to drink from some well other than the one that is about to run dry.

why?  first, it will not soon run dry, just get a lot more expensive per
glass.  second, that will likely be sufficient incentive.

let's leave to the experts, the governments, foolishly trying to use
policy and regulation where technology and economics will do the job.
and i suspect even they will be wise enough to keep out of this one.  it
would be pretty droll for us amateurs to try regulatory means where the
experts do not tread.


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