[ppml] Policy Proposal 2007-15: Authentication ofLegacyResources

James Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 21:36:13 EDT 2007

> My opinion is that this policy proposal puts too much emphasis on
> authorizing the "stick" approach before the "carrot" approach has
> received any significant attention and effort.

The problem with the "carrot" approach, is many legacy assignees already
believe they have a big juicy carrot.

A carrot that's much bigger and juicier than anything the community can offer
them, without eliminating the benefit to the community of getting a legacy
assignee to sign up in the first place.

If ARIN formulates a special RSA for them where they get a free waiver from the
rules and a waiver from the fees... then nothing at all is really accomplished.

And even then, the carrot being offered is not particularly larger
than the carrot that
has to be given up in order to accept it.

I say it's much better for them to be lightly prodded with a tiny
stick today than be
impaled by a tree limb 2 years later, when Ipv4 pools run out, and
more aggressive
unused space recovery efforts are justifiable.

I say with certainty the carrot would not have close to 100% success,
and it's best to have the stick ready up front, rather than keep it
hidden behind the back "for later".

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