[ppml] Incentive to legacy address holders

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Fri Jul 6 18:01:58 EDT 2007

At 2:39 PM -0700 7/6/07, Brian Reid wrote:
>I just used a search engine to look up "arin rsa" and I see what that is. Whether or not I'd be willing to sign such a thing would depend entirely on whether or not I trusted ARIN, which at the moment I do.

That's encouraging, at least.

>as ARIN remains a trustworthy and relatively transparent and non-corrupt organization, I think I would have no issue in signing an RSA.

In any case, keep a healthy dose of suspicion handy at all
times, as having lots of skeptics watching is the one of the
few things that helps keep community-based organizations
on the right path...

>The problem is just one of education. I've never needed to know or care about any of this stuff, and before I sign anything I need to know what it means.

That sounds like an existence proof on the need for outreach;
now we just need to figure out the right method and message.


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