[ppml] IPv6>>32

Michael.Dillon at radianz.com Michael.Dillon at radianz.com
Tue May 17 05:52:36 EDT 2005

> AFAICT, each student at a university qualifies as an "end site". 
> unless the specific criteria for a /64 or /128 are met for each student,
> which is certainly not guaranteed nor feasible to determine, each 
> must be assigned a /48.

You have provided absolutely no evidence to show the feasibility
or lack of feasability of determining whether or not the student
fits the criteria for a /64 or /128. In fact, the student is a
customer of the university. We might reasonably expect that the
university and the customer are capable of communicating with each
other. Therefore we might reasonably assume that it is feasible
for the university to ASK their customers whether or not more
than one subnet is required.

In fact, it is common practice for universities to ask students
about their preferences in music, study practices, free time
activities, etc. They do this to determine the compatibility of
students sharing a room or sharing a floor.

In any case, a dorm is really a student hotel. When you go to
a hotel, you get what the hotel offers, nothing more. If the
hotel only offers 10-baseT ethernet port in your room with
a DHCP server and Squid web proxy, then that is what you
get. Same rule applies to student hotels in universities.
Each university will decide on their offer and that is that.
No doubt some more liberal universities will offer their
students up to 16 static IPv6 addresses for their room but
other will offer only one and expect that the power users
will tunnel their networks out to a gateway service.
Whether that is best practice or not is irrelevant. Students
in dorms tend to not worry about whether or not something
is best practice, after all they are learning and one
effective way to learn is to experiment with all the
wrong techniques and learn firsthand why they are bad.

In any case, I see nothing here that indicates there is
a problem with IPv6 policy.

> I'm not aware of any off-the-shelf consumer-grade solution which allows 
> to be different.

I'm not aware of any "consumer class" students who want
to use IPv6 in the dorm. This is still an early adopter
protocol. Consumer grade products don't appear until 
later in the game. 

However, policies should not consider whether or not
consumer grade products exist. Policies define the right
and fair way to allocated addresses. If that requires a
consumer grade product to deploy effectively, then people
need to talk to hardware vendors about the problem, not
to ARIN.

--Michael Dillon

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