[ppml] 2005-1 and/or Multi6

Geoff Huston gih at apnic.net
Thu Apr 14 05:27:39 EDT 2005

At 02:27 PM 14/04/2005, Suzanne Woolf wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 12:31:37PM +1000, Geoff Huston wrote:
> > >and, in the absense of serious incentive, should we not look to
> > >history.  how much v4 swamp space has been returned?  and i know
> > >just the aussies who could answer this with a pretty picture. :-)
> >
> > Fair enough - I'll see what can be done in terms of dredging the IPv4 
> swamp
> > space to  look at what happened there over time.
>Would love to know, but I have a sad suspicion it's not gotten any
>easier to get definitive answers about what's going on with the IPv4
>swamp space over the last nine (!) years.

I've noticed that old AS nums and old address blocks just fade away from 
the routing table, and the routing swamp may well just be evaporating away :-)


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