[ppml] Policy Proposal 2004-4: Purpose and scope of ARIN Whois Directory

william(at)elan.net william at elan.net
Sat Mar 27 18:35:18 EST 2004

On Sat, 27 Mar 2004, Jeff S Wheeler wrote:

> On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 12:28, Owen DeLong wrote:
> > > 3. Organizations and individuals must guarantee to ARIN that contact
> > >    addresses published in the whois directory will reach a person who
> > >    is ready, willing and able to communicate regarding network
> > >    operations and interconnect issues and who is able to act on that
> > >    communication.
> I haven't been following this proposal, so perhaps I'm asking a stupid
> question, but; does this mean that customers who don't have a qualified
> staff can't have their address space SWIP'd to them?  How will ISPs show
> customer utilization of space if the customers are a small office
> without in-house I.T. staff; or co-location customers who may not be up
> to the job of fielding questions about "interconnect issues?"

I think the intention is that for customers that do not have appropriate 
IT staff personal to be listed in ARIN directory, the ISPs should be 
considered primary contact in case of any problems and either list their 
own contacts or more appropriatly just do simple reassignment in which 
case ISP's orgid contacts are the ones listed in arin whois output.

> Is the entire purpose of this proposal to force Level(3) to open their
> whois records to the public?

I do not see this as intent of this proposal, however different proposal 
2003-5 on rwhois from last year that is currently under review of BoT
will force L3 to open up their directory (at least that is what I was 
told by person who replied to me when I brought this up on ppml about 
month or two ago).

William Leibzon
Elan Networks
william at elan.net

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